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Mommy Makeover Breast Lifts and Augmentations

Two of the most popular procedures included in a mommy makeover in Orange County at our offices are breast lifts and augmentations. It’s easy to see why. Along with the abdominal area, the breasts often undergo drastic changes throughout pregnancy and after childbirth, especially during breastfeeding. A breast lift and/or augmentation as part of a mommy makeover package of procedures can help you restore your body to something very much like its youthful, pre-pregnancy state.

Breast Lift

A breast lift corrects the position of the breast and nipple. By eliminating sagging and loose skin in the breasts, patients are left with a more youthful and lifted appearance. A breast lift surgery might be all you want or need when it comes to your breasts, but it is also common in a mommy makeover to combine it with a breast augmentation for the best results when patients want to add more volume.

Breast Augmentation

A breast augmentation procedure increases the volume of the breasts while also improving the overall shape. This can be done in a couple of ways, either through implants (typically silicone or saline) or natural fat transfer. In a natural fat transfer, liposuction is performed to harvest your own natural fat from areas of excess in your body and then the fat is purified and injected into your breasts to increase the cup size. This tends to be better for patients who only want a modest increase in the size of their breasts – usually about one cup size is the maximum for this type of procedure.

Each option for augmentation as well as the other elements of a mommy makeover, which usually includes a tummy tuck and often a Brazilian-style buttock lift, has its pros and cons, so it’s important to consult with a qualified board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that you settle on the best method for your specific case, and ultimately achieve the results you desire.

Contact Dr. Michael Jazayeri Today

Dr. Michael Jazayeri is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Santa Ana with over 20 years of experience providing patients with natural-looking results. For more information about his services and offerings, call the number on your screen or send him a message through the contact page.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.