(714) 834-0101 Appointment

Shylee’s First Step into Adulthood

My youngest daughter Shylee turned two on August 19th.  Over the past two weeks I have noticed her become more aware of her toilet training.  Part of it is probably age, but some is most likely due to her starting pre-school.  Recently, every time she wants to have a bowel movement, she acts ashamed and goes into the bathroom to do her business.  She closes the door and does not allow anyone to come in!  Recently, she also wants to sit on the toilet (every time she has been too late) and occasionally wants to wear a pull-up.  She also demands to put her shorts on by herself, which is always futile, since she puts both feet on the same side!

I have noticed this transitional stage, and have told her to alert me before she wants to have either a number one or number two so I can take her to the bathroom.  No luck….until two days ago.  That afternoon, she tell s me “I have to poop”.  I quickly take her to the bathroom and am opening her diaper carefully, expecting a disaster.  But no!  The diaper is clean!  I quickly put her on the toilet seat and she starts pushing.  Every time she had a “product” she would smile at me and squint both eyes in the cutest way!  I felt so blessed and proud to have watched this moment.  For every child and parent, this is a major turning point.  After her business was finished, I then had to convince her she was done and it took some tact to get her off the toilet seat.

I never, in a million years, would have thought one day I would be proud to see someone poop in front of me!

Michael A. Jazayeri, M.D. is a board certified plastic surgeon in Santa Ana with over decades of experience.  His office is located in Orange County, California.  To schedule a consultation, please call (714) 834-0101.

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