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For those of you who read books, I hope you recognized my cheap tribute to Charles Dickens (A Tale of Two Cities).

My 6 month old daughter, Shylee, still sleeps in our room, in her bassinette.  My older daughter, Lena, sleeps in a separate room.  They are far enough so that the noise of one should not awaken the other.  However, almost all the time, when one wakes up and cries, the other one starts crying as well.  As a physician, I have no scientific explanation for this.  Is this some weird telepathy as they share some genes with each other?

I have termed this charming (NOT!) symphony synchronized crying.  If this was an Olympic event, I am sure my daughters would at least win a Bronze medal.

As both me and my wife awaken from our deep sleep, I remembered what my relative, God bless his soul, told me more than 20 years ago:  “One’s children are the only enemies one can never hate.”

To this, I have added an addendum:  when young, your children will abuse you…physically, when older, they will abuse you…psychologically.

Fortunately, nature, in its wisdom, has made children incredibly cute and parents incredibly dumb!  So it all works out.

Michael A. Jazayeri, M.D. is a board certified plastic surgeon in Santa Ana with over 13 years of experience.  His office is located in Orange County, California.  To schedule a complimentary consultation, please call (714) 834-0101.

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