(714) 834-0101 Appointment


Abdominoplasty or tummy tuck is one of the most common surgeries I perform in Orange County. Many patients from Orange County request this surgery, since we are a “beach” community and appearance in a bikini or swim suit is important.

I have examined many before and after tummy tuck photos to determine what makes a result pleasing.


The most important factor for a tummy tuck is the amount of fat under the skin. If a patient has too much fat under the skin, the result will not be pleasing. As the thick skin is pulled down, it will “bow out” and a flat stomach is not obtained. Therefore, it is critical the patient be at or within 10-15 pounds of ideal body weight and have thin amount of fat under the skin.

The other important factor is the shape of the umbilicus (belly button). I have seen many nice results being less than ideal due to the distracting shape of the umbilicus.

The third factor is the amount of skin removed and the tightness of the closure. If too little skin is removed, the abdomen will be loose and “jiggly”. If too much skin is removed, the recovery time is prolonged. Eventually, when the patient can stand straight, the skin will curve inwards due to excess tension. Not very attractive!

The flanks (love handles) also need to be addressed. If the patient has too much fat around the love handles, liposuction is recommended to smooth out the area and give more definition to the waist line.

Michael A. Jazayeri, M.D. is a board certified plastic surgeon in Santa Ana with over 10 years of experience. His office is located in Orange County, CA. To schedule a complimentary consultation, please call (714) 834-0101.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.