(714) 834-0101 Appointment

Breast Lift

Serving patients from Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim and all of Orange County

Revitalize Your Silhouette


Aging, pregnancy, and weight fluctuations can notably alter the texture and firmness of the breast tissue. As time passes, gravity may cause the breasts to sag, leading to what is termed as breast ptosis. This sagging often contributes to a perceived loss of youthful aesthetics among women. For those with sufficient breast volume experiencing ptosis, a Breast Lift can enhance breast projection and firmness, rejuvenating the body’s silhouette. Dr. Michael Jazayeri specializes in breast lift procedures aimed at restoring a youthful and appealing breast profile.

Elevating Your Breast Appeal

What is a Breast Lift?

Various elements, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, fluctuations in weight, the natural aging process, genetic predispositions, and the influence of gravity, all can impact breast elasticity in adverse ways. The drooping of breasts can occur due to an increased proportion of skin in relation to breast tissue. Through a breast lift procedure, the breasts are raised to a higher location on the chest wall, simultaneously rectifying concerns like asymmetry or nipples positioned too low or pointing downwards. Certain individuals opt to merge a breast lift with breast augmentation to enhance both the shape and size of their breasts.

At our practice in Santa Ana Breast lift procedures can revitalize your breasts, restoring their tautness, firmness, and position. This concern can be addressed by eliminating excess skin, augmenting volume, or a combination of these approaches. Narrow incisions are carefully placed in locations such as around the areolas, extending from the nipple to the bottom of the breast, or along the crease below the breast. We can then lift the breasts by removing excess skin and enhancing the volume of the breast tissue, crafting results that naturally complement your physique for a boost in confidence and quality of life.

A Journey to an Improved You

What are the benefits of a Breast Lift?

Opting for breast lift surgery offers a number of benefits. This procedure elevates breast firmness, corrects nipple projection, revitalizes the overall aesthetic, and refines breast contour while mitigating irritation under the breast. When areolas have become enlarged as time goes by, this surgery effectively reduces their size. Moreover, if nipples point downwards or are resting lower on the breast, the breast lift procedure can be an excellent option for addressing the issue by lifting and repositioning the breasts. It also helps with enhancing the harmony of breasts that exhibit asymmetrical sizes or shapes.

Breast Lift in Santa Ana, CA

Breast Lift Options

Your Breast Lift Procedure

The specific incision used during your breast lift will be customized to the amount of correction needed. Dr. Jazayeri will assess your individual needs during your consultation and determine the optimal approach. During the breast lift procedure, excess skin will be removed, and the underlying tissue will be repositioned and secured with sutures.

Periareolar Lift

  • Suitable for: Women with minimal breast sagging.
  • Procedure: The surgeon will make two incisions circling the areola, and a donut-shaped piece of tissue is removed. This allows the remaining skin to be gently drawn inwards, lifting and reshaping the breasts. The repositioned skin is then secured firmly to the nipple, creating a more youthful and uplifted silhouette.
  • Benefits: Minimally invasive, leaves behind small, discreet scars.

Vertical Lift

  • Suitable for: Women with moderate breast sagging.
  • Procedure: A "lollipop" incision is made along the areola’s edge and then down the lower portion of the breast. The breasts are then tightened with excess skin removed, and the breasts are lifted to a higher position.
  • Benefits: More effective than the periareolar lift for moderate sagging, leaves behind a discreet scar.

Full Lift

  • Suitable for: Women with moderate to severe breast sagging.
  • Procedure: A "lollipop" incision is made along the edge of the areola and then vertically down to the lower breast, and an additional horizontal incision may be made across the crease beneath the breast. Excess skin is then removed, and the breasts are lifted to a significantly higher position.
  • Benefits: Most effective for significant sagging, provides a long-lasting result.

Combining a Breast Lift and Breast Augmentation

For women experiencing breast ptosis (sagging) and lacking their desired fullness, combining a breast lift with implants offers the perfect solution. A lift alone is not capable of restoring lost volume, and augmentation alone will not address drooping. Performing a breast lift alongside a breast augmentation not only enhances breast shape and size but also strengthens the supporting tissue, preventing future complications like double-bubble deformity or implant malposition. This combined approach allows you to achieve the ideal balance of shape, volume, and long-term satisfaction.

A Breast Lift Uplift

Your Breast Lift Consultation

Upon your arrival, Dr. Jazayeri will review your medical history and discuss your aesthetic objectives. Together, he'll determine the most appropriate and sustainable procedure for you. If you maintain a stable weight, are in overall good health, and are dissatisfied with the shape, size, or sagging of your breasts - whether due to elongation or a drooping or flat appearance - you are likely a suitable candidate for breast lift surgery. This procedure can also address issues with nipple placement and the shape and size of the areola. Non-smokers generally make better candidates for breast lift procedures. Ideally, breast surgery should be considered after completing childbearing as the body changes experienced during pregnancy can potentially negate the effects of any prior breast surgery.

Breast Lift Procedure


General anesthesia is usually administered to ensure complete comfort during the breast lift procedure. Dr. Jazayeri uses a periareolar, vertical, or full incision pattern depending on the patient’s unique needs and goals. Through these incisions, he removes excess skin, reshapes the breast tissue, and repositions the nipple and areola to a higher, more youthful position. Breast lift surgery can also be combined with breast augmentation if both a lift and a volume increase are desired. Most patients will return home the same day as their procedure with a friend or family member to drive them.

Breast Lift in Santa Ana, CA

Breast lift Benefits


With a breast lift Santa Ana patients can expect to see the following benefits:

Elevated position:

Raises and repositions breasts to a higher and more youthful placement on the chest.

Enhanced contours:

Gives the breasts firmer and more shapely contours.

Improved nipple position:

Shifts the nipples to a higher, more aesthetically pleasing position.

Asymmetry correction:

Addresses asymmetry issues, creating a more balanced and symmetrical breast appearance.

Better clothing fit:

Allows for a more comfortable and flattering fit in clothing and swimwear.

Increased confidence:

May help improve self-esteem and body image.

Breast Augmentation with Lift


A breast lift can make an excellent addition to other procedures, such as breast augmentation, breast reduction, tummy tuck, liposuction, or a mommy makeover. Dr. Jazayeri works alongside each patient to assess their personal goals and design a surgical approach customized to their unique needs. Combining procedures can provide results that beautifully complement your physique with the added advantage of reducing overall recovery time.

Redefining Your Contours

Breast Lift Results

The transformative results of breast lift surgery will be immediately noticeable post-procedure. However, it's important to note that some initial swelling and visible incision scars are a normal part of the healing process. As your body recovers and these temporary post-operative changes gradually subside, the fully realized outcome of the surgery will become increasingly apparent. The weeks and months following the operation will showcase a natural settling of your breasts into their new, uplifted position. While the incision scars will never completely disappear, they will fade significantly over time. The degree of this fading can vary based on individual skin types and the specific aftercare measures taken. Achieving the best long-term results from your breast lift surgery extends beyond the operation itself. It necessitates an ongoing commitment to a healthy lifestyle.

This includes maintaining a stable weight, engaging in regular physical activity, following a balanced diet, and refraining from smoking. This not only preserves the aesthetic results of the surgery but also contributes to overall wellness and body confidence. With a breast lift Santa Ana patients can enjoy long-lasting results through a combination of Dr. Jazayeri's skilled surgical techniques and diligent post-operative care. With these, you can look forward to many years of satisfaction with your revitalized appearance.

Optimal Results with Proper Healing

Breast Lift Recovery and Aftercare

Following your doctor's instructions is paramount to your recovery after breast lift surgery. Bandages and dressings applied during surgery play an essential role in the healing process. Along with these, wearing your prescribed compression garments or supportive bra is crucial—these aid in maintaining support for your breasts, promoting proper healing, and optimizing the surgical result. Typically, you should be able to return to regular activities or work within about five days post-surgery. However, this can vary based on the individual and the nature of their job.

More strenuous activities, such as cardiovascular workouts, should be avoided for approximately three weeks to allow your body enough time to heal properly. Six weeks of rest is usually advised for activities requiring greater physical exertion, like strength training, yoga, or heavy lifting. This time frame ensures your body is sufficiently recovered to handle more strenuous physical demands. Always consult with Dr. Jazayeri before resuming any exercise regimen or physically demanding tasks to ensure a safe and successful recovery.

Why Opt for a Breast Lift at Dr. Michael Jazayeri Plastic Surgery?


Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Santa Ana known for embodying a blend of medical expertise, compassion, and artistry. Known affectionately as Dr. Jaz, his mission is to enhance lives through aesthetic mastery. His commitment to delivering safe, effective, and life-enhancing procedures led him to establish his practice in 1999. Since then, he has developed a reputation for excellence and helped thousands of patients achieve their cosmetic goals for better confidence and quality of life.

Frequently Asked Breast Lift Questions

A: For women considering a breast lift, also known as mastopexy, it is important to be in good overall health and have realistic expectations for the outcomes. This procedure aims to enhance the appearance of breasts affected by ptosis (sagging).

A: A breast lift can be performed using either local or general anesthesia. General anesthesia is the more common option, as it completely puts you to sleep during the procedure. Local anesthesia is typically only used for less extensive breast lifts, such as a periareolar lift.

A: After your procedure, swelling and bruising of the breasts is normal. To minimize these side effects and promote healing, you will need to wear a compression garment. Most patients feel comfortable returning to work within two weeks and can resume their usual routines, including exercise, after four weeks. While significant swelling should subside within six weeks, the final outcome may take three to six months to fully manifest.

A: It's common to experience some degree of mild discomfort during the recovery period. However, this discomfort is typically manageable with medication for oral pain as prescribed by your doctor.

A: The visibility of your scars depends on individual healing and the chosen incision technique. While some scarring is expected, many patients find the trade-off for improved breast aesthetics well worth it. Additionally, scars tend to fade significantly over time.

A: You can expect your breast lift results to offer long-lasting benefits. However, factors like weight fluctuations and the natural aging process can impact how long your results maintain their optimal quality. To maximize the longevity of your desired outcome, maintaining a healthy diet and exercising regularly are crucial.

A: The cost of a breast lift (mastopexy) can vary based on the complexity of the procedure and whether it is combined with other procedures. At your consultation, we can work with you to create an individualized treatment plan and provide an overview of associated costs. Financing options are available.

A: Insurance does not cover breast lift surgery when it's considered a cosmetic procedure. However, if breast ptosis (sagging) causes physical discomfort, chronic pain, or other health issues, insurance may provide coverage. Additionally, if a breast lift is part of breast reconstruction after a mastectomy due to cancer or another medical condition, insurance coverage is more likely.

Each insurance policy differs, so it’s important to work with our office and your insurance company to verify any applicable coverage. Our team can assist in obtaining pre-authorization if applicable.

Breast Lift Before & After Photos (Click and Drag to see Results)

Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos Before
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos After
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos Before
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos After

Embrace Comfort & Convenience

Procedures Under Local Anesthesia
with Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri

Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri, a renowned plastic surgeon in Santa Ana, California, dedicates himself to prioritizing patient safety and comfort in every procedure. His holistic approach to patient care incorporates the use of local anesthesia for a variety of cosmetic surgical procedures.

Local anesthesia offers a targeted approach, numbing only the specific area undergoing surgery. This allows patients to remain awake and relaxed while avoiding the potential risks and side effects often associated with general anesthesia. Under Dr. Jazayeri's skilled care, a wide range of procedures can be performed using local anesthesia, often resulting in faster recovery times and less complications. These procedures encompass many facelifts, neck lifts, liposuctions, mini tummy tucks, Brazilian butt lifts (BBLs), and in some cases, even arm and breast lifts.

By harnessing the potential of local anesthesia, Dr. Jazayeri prioritizes making cosmetic and reconstructive surgical procedures more comfortable, accessible, and patient-centered. His dedication to safe and effective approaches in Santa Ana, California, marks a new dawn in plastic surgery, where patient comfort and safety reign supreme.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.